October 2016

So, I'm back in Nueva York and I'm pounding the pavement like nobody's business. Here's the thing, I've realized that being an actor is not a stable job. Who knew!? Sometimes you have steady work, and sometimes, you go to audition after audition and then head back to your side job.

I guess if you aren't in "the biz" that might feel depressing. But honestly, that's just how it goes, and so you focus on the positive things that are happening in your life. Like friends, family, pies, coffee, beautiful fall days, traveling and living in the greatest city in the world.

Here's the other thing: I've got some friends that are making really fun art. And I'm lucky enough to be included in those projects.

Nightmare Fuel is a scary new project that my friend Stephanie Marie Oberle is directing. More info will be coming on October 31 (how fitting), so check out the Facebook and insta to stay updated.

I've also got some other web shiz that's gonna be mad fun as soon as it's ready. Some of it is mine, and some of it is my friends', so I'll keep you posted! #vagueblogging

In the meanwhile, check out this 10 second teaser! And Happy Halloween!

July 2016

Welp, I might not be good at updating this. I moved to NYC in January. I've officially been a "New York Actor" for six months. I've been working on some really exciting projects, that are not quite ready to launch while I was in the city. But in June, I came up to my artistic home away from home, Heartwood Regional Theater Company in Damariscotta, Maine. I'm playing Miranda in The Tempest. It's one of my favorite Shakespeare plays and I'm surrounded by a DREAM cast. They are so lovely. Check out this video!

November 2015

Hi All-

It's been a while since I've updated anything, but I've been making big moves

First off, I'm on tour with Hampstead Stage Company in New England. It's a blast: it's a two person tour and I'm on tour with my best friend, Anna Lynn Robbins. Check her out here.

We are doing The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and Christmas Carol. From now until the end of December, we have 65 shows total. Bringing theatre to kids of all ages at mostly schools and libraries is fun and rewarding, with it's own set of challenges. You can see updates about tour on facebook, twitter and now instagram. Yes, I got an insta. I'm now officially part of my generation. Follow me @deirdmanning

Also in big news: I'm moving to NYC in January. Pretty pumped to become a "New York-based actor"!

But until then-it's just two girls and one van bringing theatre magic to the children of the Northeast. Wish us luck :)

Deirdre ManningComment
July 2015

Today, we open Cyrano de Bergerac at Heartwood Regional Theater. This is my 3rd production at Heartwood and as always, it's been a wonderful process. If you are in the New England area, it's well worth you time to see this marvelous production. For more info on dates, tickets and photos, check out this link.


Deirdre ManningComment